
How to create and format a workbook by VBA

Today I’d like to share with you some basic skills on manipulating Excel by VBA.

Create/Close/Delete a workbook

The best way of creating a new workbook is to use Add method to assign it to an object variable. Below is the full program and explanations demonstrating how to create the new workbook – ws.xls - and save it under E:\Example. Then the program also shows how to delete a workbook. Please note that workbook must be closed before it can be removed.

Sub Create_workbook()
'Create an object variable
Dim wbk As Workbook
'Assign Workbook object to wkb
Set wbk = Workbooks.Add
'Save fullname as a string variable
wbkName = "E:\Example\Ws.xls"
'Save workbook with above fullname
wbk.SaveAs wbkName
'Close the workbook
'Delete the workbook
Kill wbkName
End Sub

Return range reference (Address)

By Using Range.Address method, we can return a string value that represents range reference. Together with Mid function, we can even return column name. This is a very important skill which will be demonstrated in next part.

Sub Return_Address()
MsgBox Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Address
'Another way to return $A$1
Set mc = Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1)
MsgBox mc.Address
addr = Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Address & ":" & Worksheets(1).Cells(5, 5).Address
MsgBox addr
'Get Column Name
For i = 6 To 9
   addr = Cells(1, i).Address
   colName = Mid(addr, 2, 1)
   MsgBox colName
Next i
End Sub

Change RowHeight/ColumnWidth

Occasionally, length of values that we entered or pasted into cells is more than width. In this case, we need to adjust column width in order to see entire data. And sometimes, the data is too lengthy that we have to wrap it and change row height to see whole data. Following presents how to adjust Row Height or Column Width.

Sub Change_RowHeight()
'Changing the 4th row Height
Rows(4).RowHeight = 30
'Changing height for multiple rows
Rows("5:9").RowHeight = 2
'Another way to change height for multiple rows
For i = 7 To 8
 Rows(i).RowHeight = 10
Next i
End Sub
Sub Change_ColumnWidth()
'Changing the 2nd column width
Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 20
'Changing width for multiple columns
Columns("C:E").ColumnWidth = 5
'Another way to change column width for multiple columns
For i = 6 To 9
  'Get Column Name
   addr = Cells(1, i).Address
   colName = Mid(addr, 2, 1)
   If i = 6 Then
      temp = colName
      temp = temp & "-" & colName
   End If
Next i
faddr = Split(temp, "-")(0) & ":" & Split(temp, "-")(UBound(Split(temp, "-")))
Columns(faddr).ColumnWidth = 30
End Sub

Change Backgroundcolor

RGB(255,0,0) is for red, RGB(0,225,0) is for Green and RGB(0,0,255) is for blue.

Sub Change_Backgroundcolor()
'Example 1
Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Range("A2").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
'Example 2
For i = 4 To 9
  If i Mod 2 <> 0 Then
    For j = 1 To 9
      Cells(i, j).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 225, 0)
    Next j
  End If
Next i
'Example 3 - anther more efficient way to reset multiple cells
For i = 4 To 9
  If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
     addr = Cells(i, 1).Address & ":" & Cells(i, 9).Address
     Range(addr).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
  End If
Next i
‘Clear backgroundcolor
Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color = xlnone
End Sub

Modify font format(font style, bold, italicize, underline, color, size)

Sub Change_Font()
'Change font style
Range("A1").Font.FontStyle = "Bold Italic"
Cells(2, 1).Font.FontStyle = "Times New Roman"
'Change font to bold
Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
Cells(2, 1).Font.Bold = True
'Change font to Italic
Range("A1").Font.Italic = True
Cells(2, 1).Font.Italic = True
'Underline text
Range("A1").Font.Underline = True
Cells(2, 1).Font.Underline = True
'Change font color
Range("A1").Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Cells(2, 1).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
'Change font size
Range("A1").Font.Size = 14
Cells(2, 1).Font.Size = 28
For i = 4 To 9
  If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
     addr = Cells(i, 1).Address & ":" & Cells(i, 9).Address
     Range(addr).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
  End If
Next i
End Sub

Change Cell border Style

Each range of cells can accept up to 8 different types of borders and borders means all borders around.

Left edge (xlEdgeLeft)

Top edge (xlEdgeTop)

Bottom edge (xlEdgeBottom)

Right edge (xlEdgeRight)

Inside vertical (xlInsideVertical)

Inside horizontal (xlInsideHorizontal)

Diagonal down (xlDiagonalDown)

Diagonal up (xlDiagonalUp)


Generally we’ve got 6 different kinds of border line style:

Continuous (xlContinuous)

Dot, (xlDot)

DashDotDot, (xlDashDotDot)

Dash, (xlDash)

SlantDashDot, (xlSlantDashDot)

Double, (xlDouble)


And there are 3 different border line thicknesses available:




Sub SetRangeBorder()
'Example 1
 With Range("B2").Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
    .LineStyle = xlContinuous
    .Weight = xlThin
    .Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
 End With
'Example 2
 With Range("A4:E9").Borders
    .LineStyle = xlDash
    .Weight = xlThick
End With
'Remove border
Range("A4:E8").Borders.LineStyle = xlNone
End Sub

Wrap text or change column width to get best fit

Sub text()
‘Wrap Text
Range("A1").WrapText = True
Cells(1, 1).WrapText = True
End Sub



How to merge multiple worksheets into one worksheet horizontally or vertically via VBA

With the two macros described in this post, you will be able to combine multiple worksheets (of one workbook) into one (or master) worksheet. One macro is to copy data from different worksheets and paste them into one worksheet horizontally and the other one is to paste vertically.

First of all, below is the full program to merge different worksheets horizontally.

Sub Horizontal_Click()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Define variable

Dim wbk As Workbook

Dim ws As Worksheet

'Open workbook

Set fnm = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 2)

Set wbk = Workbooks.Open(fnm)

'Set workbook as active workbook


'Worksheets.count returns the number of worksheets

For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count

'If there is a worksheet with name "Master" then delete this worksheet

    If Worksheets(i).Name = "Master" Then


    End If

Next i

'Return number of all worksheet in the active workbook

n = Worksheets.Count

'Add master worksheet after the last worksheet

Set ws = Sheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))

'Give the newly added worksheet a name

ws.Name = "Master"

a = 0

'loop through all worksheets

For i = 1 To n

'Get the number of rows with data for each worksheet

x = Worksheets(i).UsedRange.Rows.Count

'Return the number of columns with data for each worksheet

y = Worksheets(i).UsedRange.Columns.Count

'loop through all cells in each worksheet

For p = 1 To x

 For q = 1 To y

   b = a + q

   'copy and paste

   ws.Cells(p, b) = Worksheets(i).Cells(p, q)

 Next q

Next p

a = a + y

Next i

'Close workbook and save changes



End Sub

And here is the code for how to merge vertically. This macro is more complex than the above one. But it is also not complicated. You can look into code in red or highlighted in yellow to figure out how it works.

Sub Vertical_Click()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Define variable

Dim wbk As Workbook

Dim ws As Worksheet

'Open workbook

Set fnm = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 2)

Set wbk = Workbooks.Open(fnm)

'Set workbook as active workbook


'Worksheets.count returns the number of worksheets

For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count

'If there is a worksheet with name "Master" then delete this worksheet

    If Worksheets(i).Name = "Master" Then


    End If

Next i

'Return number of all worksheet in the active workbook

n = Worksheets.Count

'Add master worksheet after the last worksheet

Set ws = Sheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))

'Give the newly added worksheet a name

ws.Name = "Master"

a = 0

'loop through all worksheets

For i = 1 To n

'Get the number of rows with data for each worksheet

x = Worksheets(i).UsedRange.Rows.Count

'Return the number of columns with data for each worksheet

y = Worksheets(i).UsedRange.Columns.Count

'Only the first row - column name - in the first worksheet will be kept,

'Otherwise, only data from the second row will be copied

If i = 1 Then

    For p = 1 To x

     For q = 1 To y

         b = a + p

         ws.Cells(b, q) = Worksheets(i).Cells(p, q)

     Next q

    Next p

ElseIf i > 1 Then

    For p = 2 To x

     For q = 1 To y

         b = a + p

         ws.Cells(b, q) = Worksheets(i).Cells(p, q)

     Next q

    Next p

End If

a = a + x - 1

Next i

'Close workbook and save changes



End Sub

Only screenshot of combined worksheet in vertical way will be showed below. For the other case, you can run code and check by yourself.